
金黄色葡萄球 菌

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产品名称: 金黄色葡萄球 菌
产品型号: ATCC 6538P
产品厂商: 美国标准生物品收藏中心(ATCC)
产品文档: 无相关文档


金黄色葡萄球菌 ATCC 6538P 现货供应 ATCC 菌种 上海复祥生物公司现货供应美国典型培养物保藏中心(ATCC)菌种。

金黄色葡萄球 菌 的详细介绍
金黄色葡萄球菌 ATCC 6538P
ATCC® Number: 6538P™    Price: $155.00
Organism: Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Rosenbach
Designations: FDA 209P
Depositor: FDA
Biosafety Level: 2
Shipped: freeze-dried
Growth Conditions: ATCC medium117: Micrococcus medium
Temperature: 37.0°C
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Applications: assay of [92303]
assay of amikacin
assay of cefactor
assay of cefadroxil
assay of cefamandole
assay of cefazolin
assay of cefotaxime
assay of cefoxitin
assay of cephalexin
assay of cephaloglycin
assay of cephaloridine cephalomycin
assay of cephalothin
assay of cephapirin
assay of cephradine
assay of chlortetracycline aureomycin
assay of cloxacillin
assay of cycloserine D-4-amino-3-isoxazolidone
assay of demeclocycline demethylchlortetracycline
assay of dicloxacillin
assay of doxycycline hydramycin [11016]
assay of erythromycin [21512]
assay of framycetin [11016] [21512]
assay of gentamicins gentamicin [11016] [21512]
assay of gramicidin [11016] [21512]
assay of kanamycin [21512] [11016]
assay of lincomycin
assay of meclocycline
assay of methacycline
assay of methicillin
assay of nafcillin
assay of neomycin [21512]
assay of oxacillin
assay of oxytetracycline terramycin
assay of penicillin
assay of plicamycin mithramycin
assay of rolitetracycline
assay of spiramycin [21512] [11016]
assay of tetracycline
assay of tobramycin [21512] [11016]
assay of vancomycin [21512]
control strain [92419] [92420]
detection of [92381] [92833]
media testing [92345] [11019] [92390] [92845]
sterility testing [21705] [21507] [21509] [21511]
susceptibility disc testing clindamycin
susceptibility disc testing kanamycin
susceptibility disc testing streptomycin
susceptibility disc testing tetracycline
susceptibility testing [92421]
testing [92349]
Related Products: also available as SafeTsource™:ATCC 6538PNA
References: 11016: British Pharmacopoeia Commission Biological assay of antibiotics. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XIV A, 2003
11019: British Pharmacopoeia Commission Tests for microbial contamination. London, UK:British Pharmacopoeia Commission;British Pharmacopoeia Appendix XVI B, 2003
21507: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Sterility. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.1, 1997
21509: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbial contamination of products not required to comply with the test for sterility (total viable aerobic count). Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.12, 1997
21511: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbial contamination of products not required to comply with the test for sterility (tests for specified micro-organisms). Nutritive and selective properties of the media and validity of the test for specified micro-organisms. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.6.13, 1997
21512: European Pharmacopoeia Commission Microbiological assay of antibiotics. Strasbourg, France:European Pharmacopoeia Commission;European Pharmacopoeia EP 2.7.2, 1997
21705: Mowatt MR, et al. Developmentally regulated expression of a Giardia lamblia cyst wall protein gene. Mol. Microbiol. 15: 955-963, 1995. PubMed: 7596296
21706: ter Kuile BH. Carbohydrate metabolism and physiology of the parasitic protist Trichomonas vaginalis studied in chemostats. Microbiology 140: 2495-2502, 1994. PubMed: 7952199
92303: Microbial assay for antibiotics. Tokyo, Japan:Japanese Pharmacopoeia;JP JP14e.part I.34.
92345: Food microbiology. Method 12.3: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphyloccus aureus and other species)--Detection and MPN technique for low numbers. Sydney, NSW, Australia:Standards Australia;Standards Australia AS 5013.12.3:2004.
92349: Antimicrobial products - Test for antimicrobial activity and efficacy. Tokyo, Japan:Japanese Standards Association;JIS Z 2801, 2000
92381: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-- Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species)--Part3: Detection and MPN technique for low numbers. Geneva (Switzerland):International Organization for Standardization/ANSI;ISO ISO 6888-3:2003.
92390: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs--Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media-- Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media.. Geneva (Switzerland):International Organization for Standardization/ANSI;ISO ISO 11133-2:2003.


细胞系,ATCC细胞,ATCC菌种,细胞系目录,ATCC,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,atcc细胞库,人**瘤细胞,人食管癌细胞,ATCC 19404,ATCC 25922,ATCC 19146,微生物菌种,细胞株,标准菌株,ATCC中国,atcc上海代理,CMCC 菌株,ATCC菌株,细胞目录,质控菌株,肿瘤细胞株,乳腺癌细胞系,人肝癌细胞系


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